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Showing posts from September, 2010

Important Things to Consider when Installing LED Signs or Open Signs in Your Shop

The basics of purchasing and installing LED signs and open signs have been mentioned in this blog numerous times. There are, of course, the most essential factors that one should take into consideration when investing in open signs and LED signs such as viewing distance and angle, budget, message, and colors. Still, there are other things to keep in mind when picking the right LED sign for your business. 1. Know what your goal is for advertising with LED signs. One goal of LED sign advertising is to stand out in the marketplace and generate excitement among your customers. To stand out from your competitors, you will need to consider the hardware and the software of the LED sign you are about to choose. For example, using open signs lets passersby know that you are open for business and are welcome to entertain their queries. 2. Find out what the local zoning and ordinance laws are. This helps determine the kind of LED sign and/or open sign you can use for your business. Knowing