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How LED Signages Help Your Beauty Salon

The right signs can make your beauty business blossom. 


A brightly lit beauty salon

Engaged in the beauty biz? There are many ways to stand out in the industry. By delivering excellent service with innovative hairstyles and on-trend makeup, you are sure to capture a ready and willing audience. However, there’s an important aspect to operating a salon and that is marketing. You need to find a way to get people inside your place of business and it all starts with having the right signage. Together with the right content and placement, you could be seeing the results of your efforts in no time at all.

But how does having LED signs help grow your beauty business? 

1. Lets people know what you have to offer 

Like many service-oriented small and medium enterprises, beauty salons rely on walk-in customers to support their business. It is of utmost importance, therefore, to have the right signages and advertisements at the right place and time. Their most basic function is to inform potential customers of the shop’s operating hours. This can be achieved through LED open signs by the storefront. Furthermore, having the services you offer advertised out front helps people decide whether you have the services they need. With LED signs and other forms of digital signages, you can surely capture your target customers’ attention. 

A pretty lady having her face made up.

2. Helps in upselling your services and products 

The benefits of having LED signages doesn’t end by your salon’s storefront. Inside they have their purpose too. 
Salons (as well as barbershops) are busy places, especially those that are found in major cities. Customers could very well find themselves waiting to get their turn on the chair. This opens up another opportunity for signages to do their work. Around the store and within the viewpoints of waiting customers, digital signages can inform people more about the services and products you offer. This could be descriptions of available services, their price ranges, as well as information about your personnel who will perform said services. Likewise, this could serve as a wonderful opportunity for upselling. 

3. Boosts your branding efforts 

Every serious business knows the importance of branding. To stay afloat and competitive, you need to find a way to connect to your public and have them remember you. Signages can be used as tools to achieve this. Adapting a consistent look to your marketing materials help in promoting brand recall, so make sure all your advertisements should have your name, logo, and slogan if you have one. Scrolling signs and touchscreens are just some of the digital tools you can use for these initiatives. 

Let us know how we could be of help to your beauty business’ needs. Visit our site today and see the signages that we have to offer for you.


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