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5 Uses of LED Signs For Salons

Consider getting a scrolling LED sign if you own and manage a beauty salon amidst the pandemic. Find out why in this article.

hair studio sign

Salons, specifically hair and nail salons, are the go-to destressing haven for women who need to relax or achieve a new and empowering look. These people are willing to spend to get the perfect hair color and style or nail art. In fact, the 
market size of hair salons in the U.S. increased steadily in recent years despite the pandemic. 

The market of hair salons in the country may have dropped 39 percent because of business closures due to the coronavirus in 2020. However, it was expected to bounce back and grow by approximately 29 percent in 2021, which most likely did. Today, since millions have already been vaccinated and shops are finally opening up again, the salon industry sure is going to skyrocket back.

So as a salon owner, you should be able to provide the best customer service and make customers’ trips to your business worth their time, money, and effort. Programmable LED signs can help make your business more inviting and can benefit both your business and your customers. Here are ways to use a programmable LED sign in your beauty salon business:

  1. Scrolling LED signs can display hygiene standards and regulations.
  2. Programmable LED signs can display your current promotions.
  3. These signs can display frequently asked questions.
  4. You can program schedules and the availability of your stylists on these signs.
  5. A scrolling LED sign can showcase your secondary services.

interior of a hair salon with a sign

#1 Scrolling LED signs can display hygiene standards and regulations.

As a result of the pandemic, the customers’ comfort level of going to public spaces changed, most notably in places where social distancing was challenging. Although 37 percent of Statista survey respondents in the U.S. said they were not nervous at all to revisit a salon for a haircut when businesses finally reopened, 17 percent of respondents still were apprehensive about getting a haircut.

One effective way to keep customers’ minds at ease is to let them know that you value cleanliness and safety. You can use your scrolling LED sign to display the hygiene and safety measures your business is taking, as well as reminders for hygiene and safety precautions.

#2 Programmable LED signs can display your current promotions.

Encourage customers to try your current promotions by displaying them on your LED signs. Staff members and stylists won’t have to awkwardly offer these services and come off as annoying. Instead, customers currently being served will wholeheartedly ask about these promotions because they are genuinely curious about them. 

The same is the case with displaying the prices of your primary salon services. No need for customers to ask how much hair coloring or perming is.

#3 These signs can display frequently asked questions.

Programmable LED signs can also display answers to customers’ frequently asked questions. Some of which include the WiFi password, social media handles, available payment methods, and many others. Doing so makes it convenient for your customers as they won’t have to get up from their seats to ask your staff these questions.

Other topics related to FAQs that you can program in your signs are the additional contact information of your business, like your business email and cell numbers of their favorite stylists so they can set their future appointments in advance.

#4 You can program schedules and the availability of your stylists on these signs.

You can also use your scrolling LED sign to display the availability of your stylists and their specialties. You can also program the services your beauty salon offers and whether they are available at the moment or not.   

Doing so makes future salon appointments faster or, at the least, encourage first-time customers to become repeat customers. And since you can also display the cell number of your stylists, setting appointments is going to be a breeze for both you and your patrons.  

#5 A scrolling LED sign can showcase your secondary services.

Finally, you can use your programmable LED sign to display your salon’s secondary services. If your hair salon also offers services other than hair services like mani-pedi, nail art, and hand spa, you should showcase them on your sign as well.

There’s a big chance your current customers will avail of these services if they frequently see it on the sign while having their hair done. It’s way better than constantly offering them as it may come off as pushy and annoying.


Think your salon needs a scrolling LED sign? Pick the unit perfect for your shop’s needs at


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