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Showing posts from December, 2012

3 Money Saving Tips for Businesses In 2013

Business owners are presented with a number of ways to take advantage of this innovation. For one, the use of scrolling LED sign and digital signage in restaurants , coffee shops, salons, schools and other establishments provide great benefits. The numerous advantages include financial savings, efficient energy use and interactive presentation of announcements or advertisements to name a few. Today, we are sharing with you 3 simple ways on how to create additional savings for your businesses in 2013. We’d love to know what you think about our ideas so please feel free to share your thoughts below. Switch to LED This year, we celebrated the 50 th invention anniversary of the Light Emitting Diode or LED.  In those 5 decades, LED lighting fixtures and its other uses have transformed the way we live. Numerous studies by private and government institutions have proven the efficiency of the LED technology when it comes to reducing energy consumption, prolonged l

3 Simple Ways to Upgrade and Revamp Your Digital Signage For 2013

As the year ends, we’re pretty sure that you’re gearing up to face head on the business challenges that 2013 has to offer. One battle ground for any business next year would surely be in the areas of marketing and advertising especially with the rise of smartphones , tablets and other mobile gadgets that allow the world to function faster and seamlessly . Is your digital scrolling LED sign prepared to battle it out with online marketing means when it comes advertising within the confines of your business? Today, we’re sharing with you 3 easy tips that you can apply to boost your in store advertising efforts in 2013. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with us in the comments below.   Digital Sign Upgrade Tip # 1 Revisit your guidelines for writing advertising messages Interactive display boards including scrolling LED signs can do a great deal in keeping your customers informed of announcements and offers by getting your advertising messag

Holiday Profit Boosts: How to Make Your Digital Signage Advertising Successful This Christmas

Never miss an opportunity to increase your profits this Christmas season by maximizing your business advertising . One of the most cost-effective ways to do so is to harness the power your scrolling LED sign when it comes to letting your customers know that you ’re in business and you have a lot to offer them. Today, we’ll share with you a couple of must-know tips when it comes to keeping an LED store signage working for your especially this busy holiday season. Feel free to share with us comments and additional tips below. Keep it clean and attractive This simple task is often neglected by many coffee shop, restaurant and retail store owners. But one thing that you should remember is that an LED sign has no ability to clean itself . Your investment on programmable signage are put to waste when they don’t work for your business – this is exactly what happens when your open sign is dirty this Christmas season. If we may put it, an unattractive LED si

Going Green: 3 Safety Tips for Holiday Decorations This Christmas Season

It is indeed the season to be jolly . How is your retail store or coffee shop celebrating the Christmas season? Decorating your place to spread the cheerfulness of the season is one way to go. If your scrolling LED sign hasn’t received a decorative bow for the holidays then you should start thinking of ways to decorate your store and keep up with the season. Today, we are sharing with 3 simple decorating tips for the holidays that will not only liven up your small business but it will also help you save the environment. Take a look at our safety tips for holiday decorating this Christmas time. Holiday Decorating Tip # 1 Switch to LED Christmas lights The light emitting diode (LED) technology has been steadily gaining popularity for some time now. This lighting innovation recently celebrated its 50 th anniversary but the use of LEDs for businesses, homes and even public areas span way less than that . With the proven capacity of LED light bu