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How LED Signage Changed Advertising

Find out how LED signs contributed to the advancements in advertising, which helped boost businesses.

turned on LED signage in a store

Businesses everywhere are favoring LED signs over traditional non-illuminated ones. Traditional ad signs remain effective, but in this digital age, companies need to adjust their advertising and marketing efforts to get better results.

turned on LED open sign

Here are ways how LED signs leveled up today’s advertising and marketing efforts.

LED signs are smarter and more manageable

Unlike a static poster or billboard, a scrolling LED sign is programmable, customizable, and manageable. You can reach out to your target audience by programming and customizing a message based on your business’ current needs. You can easily change the content if you need to, unlike billboards, where you’ll have to recall all the materials you have already sent out.

LED signs are cost-effective

With LED signs, you wouldn’t need to hire a lot of people, specifically in the marketing department. The communication between you and your customers can now be done via the LED signs. There will be no need to pay for advertising space if you want to announce promotions or new products. All you need to do is program the message you want to convey in your scrolling LED sign.

LED signs engage customers

Compared to a static billboard or poster, programmable LED signs have better chances of converting passers-by into customers. This is because they are much brighter, very visible even in bad weather, and animated, effectively engaging people. 

LED signs provide lighting at night

An animated LED open sign is enough to make people know that you are open for business even at night. Without this sign, people would assume that you are closed for the night. Having bright lighting in your shop, whether you are open 24/7 or not, can also lessen the chances of getting robbed or broken into.

There has been an increase in popularity and a wider usage of LED signs in the past decades, making them more affordable. So if your store doesn’t have one yet, it’s time to consider investing in at least one unit and immediately see the difference.

Check out to choose from a wide selection of programmable LED signs, writable LED boards, open signs, various storefront signs.


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