Attract the right customers to your business with the right retail display signs.
LED signs are easy to spot as you're driving by. In fact, there are places around the country that are known to capitalize on their city or town’s LED sign showcase as a tourist attraction. But beyond their role as a crowd drawer for visitors, digital displays such as programmable LED signs are best used for creating awareness of retail events and sales. If you are an entrepreneur looking to increase your business’ presence in the market, you may want to consider investing in LED sign advertising.
1. Drive store sales
LED signs are a great way to announce sales and discounts. They can be programmed to show the same message at the same time to customers at multiple locations, making it easier for you to promote your sales and discounts. Their customizable nature means that you can also show several different messages that change periodically throughout the day or week.
2. Promote products and services
Promotional signage is an excellent way to attract customers and promote a new product or service. The best-case scenario for your signs is that you will see an increase in sales. Promotions can also be used to introduce a new brand, promote a new store location, or celebrate the opening of a new store.
Digital signages such as programmable LED signs are perfect for this type of advertising—they're affordable, versatile, and last longer than traditional types of signage (such as paper flyers). Let's explore some ideas:
- If you have a new product on offer at your retail business, consider scrolling LED sign displays to let people know about it. This could be anything from food products like fresh bread rolls (that are baked daily) right through to clothing items such as dresses made by local designers.
- Similarly, if there's any sort of promotion going on (e.g. "Buy one get one free") then this is also something where LED signs would work well.
3. Announce coupon promos
One of the most popular uses for LED signs is to advertise coupons. Coupons are a great way to attract new customers, encourage repeat business, and reward loyal customers. The best part about using coupon codes is that they can be used in any number of ways in your marketing strategy. By offering one-time discounts on products you have in stock, or promoting new products with pre-sale prices, you can increase brand awareness and increase store profits while also increasing sales and customer satisfaction. You can certainly reap all these benefits just by simply using LED signs to promote your store coupons.
4. Get the word out on in-store events
In-store events can be used to promote in-store sales and special offers. For example, you could create a sign that says "Today Only!" and then use the sign to promote a sale at your store. You can also take the opportunity to announce promotional events like demonstrations or workshops. You could also incorporate digital signage screens that display images or videos at these events.
To make these types of signs more effective, create them as animated LED signs so they'll catch people's attention more easily compared to static traditional signages.
5. Provide information about your store’s location
If you have multiple locations throughout town, display maps and wayfinding signs that show their locations would be very useful to your customers so that they’d know exactly where they can find your store.
6. Celebrate your store’s wins
Celebrating milestones is a great way to advertise to the public that your business is going strong and that you are in it for the long haul. Whether it’s the opening of your 100th store or the fact that you’ve finally hit an all-time high sales target, you can take such events as opportunities to show off your business’ triumphs and use LED screens in the process.
Even your own staff could benefit from seeing your company’s wins, so find a way of crunching data to see your gains and incorporate your findings into digital displays around the store or at your business’ corporate office.
There’s no question about itーLED signs can help your retail store attract more customers.
You can also use an LED sign to keep existing customers in the store and make them stay longer. They can increase sales for your products and services by attracting more customers into the store, or by making them stay longer in the store. This will result in higher profits for you, and it won't cost much either. That’s because when compared to other kinds of advertising such as TV commercials or radio ads LED signs are much more affordable.
As you can see, there are many different ways to use LED signs in a retail store. For more information on digital signage options, check out our website at Affordable LED.
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